How to simulate deployment to a production environment

To observe how the operational aspect of Config Enforce works, you can simulate a deployment with changes to the

  1. Ensure you have at least one config object enforced, eg.
  2. drush pmu config_enforce_devel to disable the developer UI, leaving only Config Enforce enabled.
  3. Manually change the file, making a simple change to the Site Name or other string, and removing/altering the hash value so it differs from what’s in active config
    1. Config Enforce Devel will automatically recalculate this hash each time it updates a config object, so when the new registry is deployed to production it will pick up the change
  4. drush cr to rebuild caches, causing Config Enforce to re-scan all enforced configs and detect differing content hashes, then re-import any config objects which have changed.
  5. Return to your site config form (eg. Basic site settings) and observe the simple string change has taken effect.
    1. Notice the config form itself is disabled (assuming you chose a high enough enforcement level), and you can’t edit these settings directly anymore.
    2. The same principle applies to more complex config objects like Views, Page manager pages, Field settings, etc.